KURZ Code of Business Conduct

Our Mission Statement and Our Corporate Integrity
A company’s good reputation is based not only on the quality of its products and its economic success, but it is also significantly influenced by the company’s attitude towards its employees, business partners, and the public. Our values – committed, ambitious, forward looking, and open minded – support this. They serve as a guideline for our business activities and remind us of what KURZ stands for.
We are committed to complying with applicable legal and ethical standards. Our KURZ Code of Business Conduct defines the framework to which we, as KURZ employees, must adhere in order to comply with legal and internal regulations. In this way, our KURZ Code of Business Conduct helps to protect the company and each individual employee.
Our KURZ Code of Business Conduct serves as a guideline for living our values and commitments throughout the company and anchoring them in all our actions. It helps us make responsible and ethical decisions in critical situations. Only by fully complying with our KURZ Code of Business Conduct, as well as all applicable laws and regulations, can we achieve our claim that the best product enhancement solutions come from KURZ and gain the respect and trust of our customers, employees, and stakeholders.
The KURZ Code of Business Conduct cannot reasonably take into account all the situations that we encounter in our day-to-day working life. However, it is supposed to offer guidance when it comes to making the ‘right choice’. When in doubt, we address our concerns openly and seek advice and support.
The KURZ Code of Business Conduct applies to our own business activities and to all employees of LEONHARD KURZ Stiftung & Co. KG and its affiliated companies (‘KURZ Group’).
The KURZ Code of Business Conduct can be found here: